So we went to Johanna’s and Pasi’s housewarming/xmas party yesterday. The invitation said to bring some food and to dress in the christmas-party spirit. Well, Stu proceeded to bake this two-nut torte thing, which I then covered with chocolate, melted from our xmas choccie reserves. =P It looked… erm… I believe ‘rustic’ is the word, but it tasted good and… Read More
How You Are In Love You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You tend to give more than take in relationships. You need your space and privacy. You don’t like to be smothered. You love your partner unconditionally and don’t try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even… Read More
Well I couldn’t resist trying one more time. And surely this one takes the biscuit.
Go see which celebrity you apparently look like here.It’s very… erm.. scientific and everything. I tried it with two different photos, the first one gave me:71% Grace Kelly70% Katie Holmes68% Demi Moore Umm… And the second one which, incidentally, had me facing the other direction:66% Hedy Lamarr61% Angelina Jolie60% Leos Janacek
57% Renee Zellweger52% Grace Kelly
Good grief it’s cold. And I don’t mean that in the ‘it’s cold for england’ sort of way, but in the actual IT’S FUCKEN FREEZING sort of way. Not to mention that it’s also cold inside in the office and I might have to resort to wearing gloves soon if my fingers get too stiff from frostbite to type. But… Read More
Omg I have no idea what I’m supposed to pack. Christmas presents filled the whole suitcase. Panic. Who needs clothes anyways.
Autumn is most definitely here and winter is just around the corner. The snow tried to jump the gun last week, but luckily it all went away, I so wasn’t ready for it yet. It did strip the trees out of their leaves on it’s way though. Oh my god, how much work there is even in a pissy little… Read More
Calendars availabe:Eye CandyMake-upMoments in Colour Now, go buy buy buy!
Woo hoo I got ID’d when buying booze today. It’s been years and years since this has happened. A woman’s gotta take what ever she gets at this age.
Also, I parallel parked quite creatively (as in not very parallel to anything) today and instantly a parking supervisor pops up from somewhere telling me it’s a 10 minute… Read More