Well I can’t sleep again so might as well write something (and use it in two different places…ha.).
Started the year by seeing Return of the King. It was as good as I expected, although somewhere around the fifth ending I did start to get desperate for the loo… Erm. I feel rather like completing an endurance task now. However, can’t wait for the extended DVD to come out (for next Xmas…), they just make so much more sense and feel more complete. I also always go nuts watching all the extras in one go and decide to go work in the movies. I’d give quite a lot to have been doing some sort of creative stuff for that trilogy. It fascinates me *so* much to see what a load of creative people can come up with when they put their heads together.
Tomorrow is officially my last day of holiday. How fast did that go. I don’t feel like I’ve had time to sit down and relax much at all really. Oh well, this weekend I’m planning on just laying on the sofa, finishing off the xmas choccies and maybe watching The Lakes, of which I have both seasons on DVD. Especially since it’s -15C outside and I really don’t feel like bar hopping in long underwear….
It’s been a year since we moved to Finland and I’ve done my monthly travel to London 12 times now… weird how time flies. I hope I’ll gain some clarity over what I want out of life and where I want to live this year. At the moment (probably because it’s winter) going back to England seems the likely option at the end of this year… We shall see.
And here’s a few pictures from England. Just your basic Xmas activities and a few from Ian’s birthday bash (my god that boy can eat some chinese!).