A big thunderstorm just passed over. Lots of lightnings and thundering… and then heavy rain. It’s starting to clear up now and everything smells so fresh and lovely. I like summer storms, they freshen everything up so nicely.
I’ve been trying to get my head around my tax form today. It’s giving me a headache. Never live and work in a different country kids… Anyways, I’m going in the tax office tomorrow with my bagfull of papers and am going to let someone there to sort it out. Or at least help me… Hmm.
Been feeling in a bit of a slump today generally. Everything’s a bit… bleugh. Too many things to do and no energy to do anything. I’d just want to jack everything in and photograph full-time. Oops. Didn’t mean to say that out loud. And actually, I don’t even know if I would really want that… since after that shooting would prolly start feeling more like work and not fun anyways. Doing anything full-time tends to have that affect.