Yes, I’m alive. Just.
To cut a long story short, last week started with the most horrible toothache (I’ve ever experienced). Turned out my long-overdue wisdom teeth had finally gone on the warpath and would have to be ripped out as soon as possible. Obviously the timing was great as I was flying to London the next day, so my dentist just gave me some penicillin and booked me in for removal when I come back. I tell you something though, flying is not fun when half of your head feels like it’s going to explode even before you step on the plane…
The end of last week went in a painful haze, trying to get things done at work without being able to eat or really think about anything else but the throbbing pain. Luckily the meds kicked in over the weekend and I feel a lot better now.
Not so happy about the fact that I’m having the teeth (surely they can’t take all four of them at once??) removed the week before we are supposed to go on holiday… Again, perfect timing as far as finances and medical emergencies are concerned.
Oh and those who were wondering, it seems impossible for me to get on DA from work. The site just doesn’t load, and even if it did I wouldn’t have any time to do anything there anyways. So there. Oh yeah and in Rayleigh the monitor switches between green and blue… again not exactly optimal for viewing, er, well pretty much anything.
On a happier (?) note, I got my mobile upgraded for free. It’s a bit ugly but it takes pictures and everything. See.