I have a feeling someone’s going to kill me for this, but you’re allowed to be mushy at specific times of year! We’re not ‘officially’ celebrating 1 September any more since the wedding, as apparently wedding anniversaries are the only ‘proper’ anniversaries. 😛 But never the less, today still means something to me, and I can at least celebrate our 9th anniversary of being together with this mush-fest of pictures. 😀 If nothing else, looking at it brings back good memories (while also making me feel incredibly old, like where an earth did 9 years disappear??). Also, check out that fringe. WTF. 😀

(Sorry S, I know it must be a pain to be married to an overly sentimental photographer!)
There’s time for everything… even mushiness:) I enjoyed seeing these even though I only know you thru blogland. You both look so cute. So happy anniv’ and thanks for sharing!
Sulle sopii pitkat hiukset! Ihana tuo 2004-kuva.
Ihania kuvia! Et sä kyllä niin paljoa ole muuttunut 🙂
@susu: Hehe, thankies!
@eve: Oli sillon viela tota volyymia enemman hiuksissa. On tuo kilpparin vajaatoiminta aikalailla harventanut hiussatoa…
@LX: 😛
Naze: Hih, ehka eniten leveyssuunnassa. 😀
Siis vähänkö ihania kuvia 🙂 Ja sä näytät kyllä vähintään yhtä nuorelta nyt ku 9v sitten. Melkeen epistä 😛
very cute couple and I am sure he is thanking his lucky stars you are who you are. You don’t last nine years for nothing.
Ihana toi haakuva! 9 v. on tana paivana harvinaista herkkua, onnittelut!
Wonderful photos! The 2004 is my absolute favourite one because of the lighting, simply GREAT.
Hei en olekaan nähnyt tuota 2005 kuvaa (olenko?) Ihania, tuskin Stu nyt NIIIIIN pahakseen laittaa… :)Oot kuitenkin hänen kanssaan näissä kuvissa! 😛