Well, I didn’t take my camera in the end, so there are no videos. Not that there would have been even had I had my camera, simply because as a venue Twickenham Stadium was just way too big and the sound way too loud and distorted. Add to that the Irish fuckers (no offence to Irish people in general) sat behind me, who obviously thought they were attending a contest for the loudest karaoke singing in the world. When they knew the lyrics they were singing, nay, shouting, out of tune at the top of their lungs straight into my ear, and when they didn’t, they were shouting inane things to each other. Oh and they also managed to tip a pint of cider over me during the second song, which meant I sat there soaked to my knickers for the whole two and a half hours. But yeah, I’m not sorry I didn’t capture their sweet voices on any videos.
The most enjoyable song for me was Fall On Me, not least because the Irish people were at the bar getting another round in, so I could really enjoy the song. Orange Crush was a joy as well. Everything in between… well. Imagine Michael Stipe, singing into a microphone, at times with a megaphone, and yet all I can hear is ‘EEEOOOOAAAAaAaaaAa I FOKEN LUV THIS SONG VERTIGOOO’. Micheal never stood a chance really…
No poh, miten aina on vieressa keikalla joku orvelo! Harmi, etta kastuit niin pahasti. đ
No nii-i, naa oli kylla ihan pahimmasta paasta. Ma oon kylla joku juomankaatomagneetti!
Noi on ihan liekeissÀ, noi jotku.
No nii ku tuli aurinko sillai hienosti. Mut ei sit ollu sitĂ€ oikeeta kameraa… eihĂ€n se tĂ€llĂ€sis puhelinotoksissa oikein tuu oikeuksiinsa.