I so could have had the whole week off. Two days of holiday sure doesn’t feel like enough! But still, it was nice to have mum around for a long weekend, even though we completely ran out of time to do all the things we would have wanted to do (like go see a musical, go to Paris, go to Cornwall, go to Richmond Park, go to the London Eye etc. etc.). We did manage to spend some time in the National Gallery and walk around London in general. Mum also went a bit shopping-crazy on Monday and I only managed to drag her out of the shops when I started feeling decidedly dizzy. I did get (another) pair of lovely boots out of it though! Apparently they’re the only Christmas present I’m getting this year. 😀 I’m not complaining…
Having my normal routine interrupted meant that I couldn’t really keep up with any of my blogs/websites, or work on other projects I currently have on the go. I really have to pull my finger out now and get back to working on all my stuff. If I’m totally honest, I think I’ve created a bit too much work for myself lately, but hopefully it will all pay off in one way or another in the long run…
Hmm I’m supposed to have a shoot on Saturday but I haven’t heard a peep from the model. I hope she’s ok and still up for it.