Check out Sooz getting all excited about the prospect of seeing Rob Thomas. 😛 Due to the fact that she got stuck at work we didn’t make it to Wembley until twenty to 9. Which was perfect in fact as Matchbox Twenty got on stage at 9pm. We missed the warm up act, Headway, but I’d never even heard of them so wasn’t really that bothered. Somehow we managed to get brilliant seats with space on both sides, so it was almost a comfortable experience, despite the fact that the stage at Wembley Arena is completely in the wrong direction and you always wake up with a neck ache from hell the following morning…
All in all it was quite a difference experience to attend a gig where you’re not really that familiar with the artist. This was definitely more Susanna’s affair. 😀 I know some of the older songs, but mostly I didn’t really recognise a whole lot of the material they played. It’s strange not being able to sing along! You’re sort of feeling the energy but are still on the outside as you lack that emotional connection and can’t relate. Still, it was good fun. Even if just to see Sooz screaming like a little schoolgirl. 😀
I should really get my ass in gear and start packing now!
Voi Robso! <3
I was SO lucky!