I feel like I ought to let you know that MTP now has a facebook page, just in case you feel a strong urge to become a fan! 😀
In other news, I’ve sent a strongly worded letter to London Underground today, as this morning I’d just had enough! I’ve had to walk from Waterloo every morning this week because of disruption on the Jubilee line. What exactly is the point of paying for a season ticket if you can never get on the train?? But yes, I expect they will jump into action any minute now, after receiving my letter. I can only wonder how many zeros there will be on my compensation cheque. 😛
Tonight’s the night of the mysterious driedonpaper launch party. Sooz is coming with me, and we’ve been pulling our hair out trying to figure out what it might be for – with no success. Is exciting! I hope it’s something good after all this suspence… will let you know tomorrow.
I just became a fan 🙂