I’ve been baking ‘star tarts’ today and it smells divine now. A proper Christmas smell. Got a load of pressies from England in the post, which was lovely. It’s looking decidedly full under the tree now. 😀 And I also got a lovely fairy from Riina, which is like the cutest thing ever. Thank you! <3
There’s snow again and it’s looking very serene and christmassy outside. There was a horrible storm last night thought, which meant that my mum, who was returning from the Canary Islands, got stuck in Stockholm for most of the night. She finally landed at around 8am, when the scheduled time was 1:05am. Anyways, good job she made it back in time for Christmas. 🙂
I’ve got all the food in and have been preparing some already. The christmas spirit is definitely catching up with me.
Have a lovely Christmas everyone – eat, drink and be merry! 😀