Happy May Day to all you!
I'm getting text messages from people having a sunny May Day picnic in Finland, while sitting in a boring office over here in London. At least I can see the sun today! Hopefully it'll stick around for a bit… After the hot summery weekend the horrible rain throughout this week has been a bit of a slap in the face. Combine that with the nasty tummy bug I was suffering from at the start of the week and you can see that it hasn't been such a jolly week so far. Things can only get better though eh. Tonight we're off to Wembley Arena with Sooz to see Matchbox20. I'm looking forward to her making a fangirl-fool out herself for once and not me. 😛
And then it's off to Finland. I'm soo loking forward to having a sauna! I really have to remember to get all my tax forms and receipts in order and also to actually take them with me. The schedule for next week looks quite scary. I've actually had to assign time slots for different tasks and people in my calendar! Judging by the hectically colour-coded look of the calendar it doesn't seem like much of a holiday. But I'm sure it will be, it'll be nice to get things done and to see people (new tiny people as well!) again.
But have to get through this day and a bunch of boring admin tasks first.
And now I'm going to attempt something I've never done before, send this to my blog via email. Fingers crossed… 😀
Hauskaa Vappua! Hei, täälläkin oli jo lämmintä oikeasti: +20! Siis jopa Oulussa…
Missäs päin Lontoota muuten asut?
t. Utelias
Oho. Tulee vähän probleemi että mitä pakata!
Asun täällä länsi Lontoossa, Richmondin kupeessa, mutta olen töissä keskustassa. 🙂
Ah, oli niin lämmin viikonloppu, mutta nyt täällä Vantaalla tuulee ja näyttäs vähän satavankin.. Tervetuloa Suomeen – ei varmaan keritä näkemään?
Meen perjantaina Tiksiin kampaajalle. Jos lounarilla esim ehit? Kauheeta juoksua kyllä tää viikko muuten. 😐