So maybe I lied about the not doing more videoblogging. 😛 Well I didn’t really lie… I wasn’t going to do more. But there’s something about it that fascinates me. Maybe it’s the challenge? I’ve always been a crap public speaker/performer and maybe this sort of continued humiliation will do me good. 😀 Perfcet logic!
Am going to visit my cosmetic dentist tomorrow, and went to the regular dentist yesterday… actually, he was called a ‘tooth surgeon’. 😐 Should have known from the start that wasn’t a good thing. It was supposed to be just a consultation but it ended with him pulling my tooth out. Seriously. :O I was rather shocked/terrified/traumatised. I slept a few hours last night but then woke up and couldn’t stay in bed as being still makes me feel the pain more. So, from since about 3am until 6am I’ve been editing this video. It’s not as easy as it seems!
Anyways, here’s hoping this is slightly less embarrasing than the last one…