Uhh. Have sore throat, runny nose and dizzy head. Brilliant. Also, according to the weather forecast it’s going to rain on Saturday. Hence, I’ve had to reschedule a photo shoot. Again. Trying to do shoots on weekends, when there’s such a limited space of time available in which all the elements have to click into place, seems impossible. It’s truly… Read More
Bush Hall was a cute little place, a room bit ‘like wedding cake’ as Joshua himself described it. It was painfully hot though and the odour wasn’t the most pleasant mix of mouldy old building and sweaty people… The venue definitely suited his kinda of ‘whisper rock’ better than the vast stage of Hammersmith Apollo, where I saw him… Read More
As it happens, our back door is not just a back door. On top of its door-like qualities it’s also a) the quickest route to the car, which lives just next to the stairs leading out of our back door; b) and to the bins that live underneath the stairs, thus making taking out the rubbish a lot more straightforward… Read More
Ahh, gotta love summer. Even though I’m not a big fan of sweating (especially at night, what with sharing a bed with the human radiator), hot weather definitely lifts my spirits. I had quite an enjoyably slow weekend. Saturday I just lazied around the house, reading magazines and doing some laundry. But yesterday was so hot that I just had… Read More
Tänään kynsissä Go 4 it vol 2 shopista saapunutta Essien lakkaa sävyssä Mademoiselle. Oikein nätti ja luonnollisen pinkki sävy näin kesäpäivään. Iloisena yllätyksenä paketista löytyi myös tilaajapalkintona voittamani Max Factorin MasterpieceMAX ripsari.
Not sure what’s happening with the strange pose… Scarf: LindexTop: AgendaJeans: Tripp (new pair though! :P)Flip flops: Very very old EvansBangles: Yes the same ones again… Torrid / Evans
Miksei aina voi olla perjantai, perjantai, perjantaaaaai. Vaikkakin mieluummin kylla vois aina olla lauantai, perjantaina kun taytyy kuitenkin raahautua tanne toihin. Tanaan ei vois kylla taas vahempaa kiinnostaa tama toimistossa istuminen. Alkuviikosta oli sentaan fiilikset jokseenkin positiiviset. Tai ainakin sellaiset ‘kai tasta jotenkin selvitaan’ tyyppiset. Mutta nyt sellanen lohduton alavire on taas tehnyt comebackin ja vaikka onkin perjantai ajatukset vetaa… Read More
Today was pretty yawn-inducing and loooong. The weather outside is lovely though, it’s nice to at least be able to see the sun, even if it’s through an office window. When I got home the new Glamour had finally arrived and with it came a surprise pressie in the form of Benefit Her Glossiness lip gloss. Yummy colour as well…. Read More
Antonia wanted some quick portraits of herself (for a super-secret-project :P) so I obliged. I like these giggly out-takes the best.
What a strange, and rare, occurrence of practically synchronised weather forecasts. Not sure why I still have Vantaa in my weather thingy, it’s not like I live, or even go there, anymore… In other news, today has been soooo slooow…