Oh my, this getting back to the (internet) reality sure feels difficult. My couple of days of computer/internet free time turned into more like a couple of weeks. It was bliss really. It’s the return that’s proving most difficult… dA alone is pushing nearly 1000 messages (that’s excluding devwatch), I have no idea how and when I’m going to tackle those… And work… uhh. I was dreading getting back to work when I was looking at the pile of stuff-to-do on my desk last night. But actually, getting stuck into it hasn’t been quite that awful. In some perverted way it’s nice to be concentrating on something else than what’s on TV or what type of chocolate I should eat next.
So yeah, Christmas went ok. It was a little bit blah this year, but still relaxing and pleasant and all that. Stu went over to
Mum’s Christmas present still hasn’t been found.
New Year’s then. Not a lot of partying involved. It seems like years go by so quickly these days that it’s hard to get that excited about the changing of them anymore. I spent the first day of 2007 taking down the Christmas decorations and tidying the flat. I just felt that I needed to get back to ‘normal’. All the overeating and staying in a horizontal position surrounded by piles of xmas presents is fun for a while, but there comes a point when you just need to pull yourself together. Oh, I even joined a gym. How about that eh. We’re gonna go together, at least to start with. A very orange lady is going to make us programs and show us around tomorrow. I think I need to get some gym attire today then… 😐
I might do one of those ‘what did I do last year/what will I do next year’ type of things later on.