So I ended up wearing two outfits to the wedding! 😀 No really. It was a looong day and there were practically two different ‘events’, the day party and a disco in the evening (with even more guests). I wore the b&w; top to the day bit and changed into the pink one for the night. Thank you everyone who helped me to decide! 😛
Both tops: eBay
Trousers & shoes: Evans
Bag: Accessorize
Bangles: H&M; / Torrid
I now have 700+ pictures to go through… have mercy…
Like said before, you look stunningly good in the b&w; top! It just seems to match well your personality and your figure. I would have maybe worn black shoes or sandals with it though, but your choice of shoes was good considering you were going to change to another top later on. With that one, they made the perfect link. I hope you had fun!
Believe it or not, I didn’t have any black shoes (that would have been appropriate)! 😀 Obviously there’s something lacking in my wardrobe… I originally tried everything on with dark purple shoes, but the sparkly bag needed a friend so I went with the metallic ones.
Hienot valinnat ! Ja meemintapaista sulle jos kiinnostaa, vapaa valinta kahdesta eikä kierrätyspakkoa…