My train was delayed, the Jubilee line was suspended and I had to walk to work from Waterloo in the pouring rain. Not an ideal start to the week. Even though the weekend was nice enough, all the traveling back and forth from Waterloo on both days made it feel a bit like I didn’t get any break from the commuting. Next weekend I definitely won’t be going anywhere.
It’s no wonder people are so obsessed with the weather here, it certainly has a huge impact on your general mood. On a lovely sunny morning the walk from Waterloo for example is almost a joy, but on a miserable windy and rainy morning like today, it makes you wish you could just disappear. The greyness is a bit overwhelming today.
I’m thoroughly fed up with the internet regulation here at the office. How is reading a few blogs on quiet moments going to affect the way I do my job? Probably in a positive way actually, as feeling more content and connected to the rest of the world would make me feel better about being in the office in the first place, thus resulting in better work morale. Currently I’m just sitting here feeling a bit depressed, typing out moan-y blog entries which I’ll have to publish by email (oh by the way, if anyone knows how to add tags/labels to a post when publishing via email on blogger, do let me know!), and trying to avoid any sort of work whatsoever.
Talking about jobs, Stu accepted a new job offer last week. 😀 He gave his notice on Friday and will start at the new company on 18th of August. The offices are in Reading and he’s already dreading about his commute getting longer. Well, it’s probably hard to go from a 20-minute drive to over an hour… Possibly as difficult as it was going from no commute at all to over an hour – so I feel for him there. But at least he gets to sit in the comfort of his car and not on an overpacked train! 😛 Anyways, I hope the new job will be a good move and that he’ll be happy there. At least that would make one of us!
I signed up with Technorati, mainly in order to try to get some (non-finnish) action to DIVA Look Book. I was very annoyed when I realised the nick ‘mnoo’ was already taken and grudgingly went with another nick, only to realise today that hey, actually, I was the one who had already signed up with ‘mnoo’ sometime last year. Erm. Well, how are you supposed to remember everything?? Anyways, in case you wanted to add this blog to your favs you can as well, although I’m not that bothered, as long as you add the Look Book! 😀 Thanksplease.
You seem to have a nice blog here. I’m visiting it for the first time, so I’ll have a LOT to read here! It just felt somehow so nice to read about the continuing underground problems, it made me smile – just visited London at the beginning of June when they found this old bomb there and the whole system was upside down! 🙂
Welcome! 🙂
Heh yes, travelling on the underground is always an adventure in itself – things never work out quite like you planned.