Oh my where does the time go.
I’m currently trying desperately to fight off a sore throat and a cold that’s trying to sneak up on me. If I can hold it at bay at least long enough to get through tomorrow’s wedding I’ll be happy…
Last night I went out for some cocktails with a few fabulous ladies. Me, Sooz, Kat, Chanelle, Liz, Ly and Rhiannon, among others, headed to the Cellar Door and took full advantage of their happy hour. Lots of fun was had and useful contacts created. I’m feeling really good about getting a bit of a network of like-minded photographers/wedding people going. Who ever says Twitter is useless just has no idea. Of anything. End of.
After my painful computer meltdown I fell so behind in all sorts things that I decided to admit defeat with my 365 Bokeh project. No matter how much I love doing it, when something becomes a chore it’s not really beneficial to try to desperately to fit it in… Perhaps I’ll pick it up again in the autumn when my calendar calms down a bit.
Oh and Maesha & Pete’s wedding is now up on the wedding photography blog. What a long, but fun, day that was!
Kipeen kurkun ilmiö on iskenyt tännekin. Joku ihme kesäköhä. Mulla kyllä muuten sairastelu väheni merkittävän paljon kun aloin nakata kitaani sinkkiä ja aloitin säännöllisen liikunnan. Mä kun olin niinkuin melkein ammatikseni flunssassa aiemmin.
Hello. =)
I'm watching your blog for the first time. I love the design and this pic !! *-*