From the article I’m laying out right now: After 12 weeks of intensive, inspiring, exhausting work, the transformed libraries were ready. Press launches in July by celebrities including Ben Fogle… He is determined to follow me everywhere! :O
I’m currently ordering prints of 471 photos and my computer is going a bit bonkers trying to send them down to the printers. This is the last day of their ‘half price sale’ so I did cut it a bit fine. But at least I did manage to go through them and get it done! As you can see, a print run was long overdue… I must find a new print provider though. The one I’ve been using stopped providing high-end colour profiled prints and I sure as hell won’t order big prints without a dedicated colour profile. I just have to have a moment to do some research and hopefully find somewhere reliable and somewhat affordable…
Work is driving me insane (or rather, the people I have to work with). I just get so aggravated by everything that anyone says. It’s stupid and I should really just ignore everything and get on with things but I can’t help it. I don’t think my general mood is helping either. I still have this feeling of gloom hanging over me and a ball of anxiety in my stomach all the time. And I feel so tired. Like I could sleep for days. Or cry. Ugh. It’s horrible to feel detached from everything and not being able to get a grip on life.
We went to Raisa’s crayfish party on Saturday. It took so much effort to actually make myself go but I’m glad I went. Kind of. She lives in the middle of nowhere (literally ) and the best thing about the whole thing was standing in the darkness and looking at all the stars. Wow, living in a city you don’t really realise how many stars there are out there! It was nice to see old friends again. Well, it is and it isn’t… These are people I’ve known for almost 20 years and for the last 10 we’ve been steadily growing apart. On the other hand it’s lovely and it’s rewarding to have friendships that seemingly stand the test of time. But on the other hand it’s sort of bittersweet, all that ‘oh I promise I’ll be in contact more…’ stuff, whilst knowing that our lives follow such different paths that it’s sometimes just impossible to connect the dots. I don’t know. I can’t really explain it. On the other hand it’s really nice to see them, on the other hand it makes me really sad.
How the hell am I going to pull myself together.
Hmm. Oh and yeah. Wanted to see Jenni on Wednesday since I’m going to Helsinki for a dentist’s appointment, but just realised she left for Canada today. Pfft.