Oh man, what a palaver. I finally bit the bullet and changed my hosting company (yes, I have talked about this for years), and of course (mainly because of my own stupidity) I managed to upload old files instead of the most current ones and have now spent a jolly evening trying to sort out what to upload again and what to chuck. Ho hum. I think everything’s fixed and working now. Let me know if you spot something funny and I’ll have a look.
In the meanwhile, while the blog’s been out of action, I received this lovely rose award from Kutri. Thanks very much!
I also received this ‘art award’ from Bisquits for best photography, for which I’m very honoured! (I later received another one of these from Lehtokotilo, thank you!)
I’d like to pass both of these awards onto couple of my favourite blogs. For gorgeous photography to Kortteja Kaliforniasta, Unikuva and Liivian talossa. And for entertaining me with their hilariously funny and brilliant writing, Dallas Pullaa and Tyttö sinä olet rätti.
Despite the hosting kerfuffle, it has been a pretty good week so far. I’ve got possible clients lined up, Jenni’s coming over on Thursday and we’re off to see Antony and the Johnsons on Friday. Yay.
Right, have to try to sort some dinner out now.
KIITOS! ja snif (liikutus)