Thank God for Fridays! I’m dog tired, aching all over, but I am determined to stay awake at least past midnight because… well, because I can. Because this is my time. If there’s one thing (apart from commuting) that I detest about an office job, it’s the way it robs me of my nights. I love night time, I’m at my most efficient at around 2am. But with having to wake up at 7am on most mornings these days, it makes it physically impossible for me to get much enjoyment of night time.

I think it’s complete rubbish when people say that anyone can ‘train’ themselves into being a morning person. No matter how many years I went to classes starting at 8am at school, or how many years of 9am office starts I’ve had, each and every morning has always been absolute torture. There are plenty of people who get up at the crack of dawn and claim that that’s when they feel their brightest – even at weekends. As far as I’m concerned, they can keep their mornings… Just give me the quiet calm of the night time. When my thoughts are at their sharpest and when ideas flow.
But yes, right now I’m not really enjoying my achy existence. My mind wants to stay up and is bursting with things I’d want to get doing, but my body is so very tired that I will have to give into it soon. What a waste.
Tomorrow I’m braving Ikea for the first time in a long time. And quite appropriately, the purpose of the trip is to upgrade some of our bedding, like duvets and stuff. New fluffy, soft and clean bedding is one of those things that makes everyday life a little bit more enjoyable, luxurious and, well, more bearable.
Hope Ikea lived up to your expectations. Do you get some Scandi food at your local Ikea? Here in Paris you do, and sometimes I find it – funnily enough since I’m not a very Finland nostalgic person – quite soothing to sit down and have a good portion of marinated salmon with sweet mustard.
I totally agree! I would so like to be a morning person but I just can’t…
Minä olin ennen aamuihminen, mutta lapsen saannin myötä aamuistani on tullut todella vaikeita. Toivoisin vain voivani jäädä vuoteeseen -yksin. Toisaalta olin ennen myös yöihminen (onnekseni pärjäsin vähällä unella) ja se ominaisuus näyttää sangen pysyvältä. Nykyään pääsen sitä kuitenkin harvoin toteuttamaan, sillä pienen (huonosti nukkuvan)lapsen äiti on jo oppinut nukkumaan silloin, kun se on mahdollista. Toiveikkaana uskon vielä joskus pääseväni valvomaan öitä ja aamuja, kuten haluan. Tosin ikäkin alkaa painaa meitä… 😉
susu: There is a ‘swedish shop’ in Ikea (well, at least in all the Ikea’s I’ve been to in London), but often I’m so exhausted by the time I get to the tills that I just can’t be bothered to join another queue for foodstuff! 😀 I’m not a big fan of the ‘traditional’ stuff in any case…
eveliina: Tell me about it…
kirsi: Niinpä… se tuo ikä pikkuhiljaa hiipii jostain takavasemmalta. 😀