My new baby is enjoying the new fluffy bedding as much as I am it seems. Yesterday’s Ikea trip was exhausting, but totally worth it in the end. It feels like the bed has been upgraded to a new standard.
Today’s been a busy day of cleaning, scrubbing and getting old quilts and sheets packed away for Oxfam. There’s still some stuff to do, like the kitchen, which is a tip, but mostly the flat is already feeling fresher, calmer and airier.
When I’m done with rest of the cleaning I’m going to finally dive into this month’s magazines.
Nice notebook, but you do know that reading physical magazines is so 1992.
Hih, me myös retkeiltiin Ikeassa (Haparanda!)eilen. Onneksi ostoslistalla oli tällä kertaa vain kaikenlaista pikkusälää, joten jaksoin innostua putiikin tarjonnasta ihan loppumetreille saakka. Yleensä olen hyytynyt ennen astiaosastoa… Uusissa lakanoissa nukuttiin muuten myös täällä. 😉
Uusi lapsukaisesi on tosi linjakas!
Wow, I thought I’m way past the baby fewer time but seeing your new baby made me yearn for one, too! 🙂
My pile of magazines (brought by hubby from Finland) are still waiting.. too much stuff to do… damn.
@Sean: Occupational hazard. 😛
@merja: I’ve only managed to read one of these so far… 🙁