I’m so fricken impressed with myself! I’m in the process of making this wedding scrapbook of sorts and I’d gotten some fabric that I was suppose to glue on the covers to make it a bit prettier. Well, lying in bed last night I started wondering why don’t I just sew a cover for it. It would look a lot tidier and be more durable etc. However, I haven’t really sewn anything in ages and I was pretty sure this was just a catastrophe waiting to happen… But what do you know, apart from the nail biting moment when I thought it wouldn’t fit, it turned out pretty darn good! 😀 Wow, who knew I was so crafty.
In other news, the Eurovision Song Contest is well on it’s way. The semi-finals were on Thursday night and as prepared as I was to be embarrassed, it was alright! Mikko and Jaana did their best, and once they relaxed a bit it was almost enjoyable watching them in action. Even the english was a level up from the normal F1 english that finns are famous for. 😛 All in all, it was a pleasant surprise that the production looked very professional and everything ran smoothly. I don’t know why exactly I was afraid of the worst… It still feels very surreal that the Eurovision is in Finland though. Not that it’s important to me in that way, it’s just something that no-one here would ever have thought would happen. There’s all sorts of happening going on in Helsinki and I should really haul my ass over there if only I wasn’t so busy/lazy.
Since I can’t vote for our Hanna, I will be voting (and already did in the semis :P) for Kenan Doğulu, even though I should possibly be suing him instead for getting this bloody tune stuck in my head. 😀