Lots of entries lately. 😀
The spring cleaning relates mostly to my website. Yes, mnoo.com has been revamped slightly ( thanks Paul <3) and it now has a bit of a lighter, fresher look and logo. Also, the store section has been completely redone and there is now official mnoo.com duckie merchandise available. 😀 How cool is that. I just couldn’t resist providing pink duckie t-shirts. 😛
Woo. I got ID’d buying Bacardi today (happens like once a year now it seems, good going!). I thanked the bloke obviously and told him he might have prevented my turning-thirty crisis. Although that might have been a bit of an exaggeration to be honest… but still, it certainly made my day. 😀
Mum brought me this photography magazine called photoArt from Prague, which is kinda cool. Can’t understand a word of it but there are some very nice pictures in there, like quite a few brilliant portraits by Andzej Dragan. I don’t think I’ll be enrolling on the dubious sounding ‘Photo Camp’ though, which seems to consist mainly of taking strange pictures of scared-looking nekkid ladies… 😐 Anyways, it’s very interesting to see photography magazines you wouldn’t normally come across at your local newsagent.