I think I’m starting to go a bit cross-eyed from all the editing I’ve done in the last two days. And I’m not even half way through yet! 😀 Oh well, I do enjoy it really. But it would be nice to one day be in a position where I wouldn’t have to be doing it at weekends/annual leave days. But yes, so far I’ve gotten as far as the ceremony of Lucy & Richard’s wedding.
You can see a few more pictures over at MTP.
I’m currently contemplating on carrying on further into the night, but my neck and head is giving me such grief that I might have to call it a day and start on the mammoth task of reception shots tomorrow.
Not doing anything else but sitting in a darkened room staring at the screen doesn’t really give much material for any other exciting blogging I’m afraid. Oh, on Friday we did have a little May Day cocktail party with Sooz, which I suppose could count as exciting under normal circumstances. But, as yummy as the cocktails were and as enjoyable the company, I quite embarrassingly ran completely out of juice before 11pm. Me! I was quite shocked myself to find that I just couldn’t keep my eyes open for any longer. But still, fun was had none the less.
While I’ve been working away S has been busy being a very exemplary husband. He has tidied the flat (and the car) from top to bottom, and we have more clean clothes than we have space to put them in! I am very impressed indeed. Finally the training is starting to pay off. 😀
If I ever get married again, I know who to contact 🙂 I love your photos!