Today is a slightly better day. I’m feeling a tad more optimistic, even though work has been a total drag. At least it’s Friday tomorrow! This weekend I really need to figure out what to wear for this wedding… If I can’t find anything that fits from my wardrobe, Sunday is pretty much the last chance to go out and look for something else. Hmm.
I got about halfway through processing my road trip pics last night. Man, there are a lot of them. And about a gazillion of them are practically identical. Editing the selection down is so very tiring and time-consuming. Although having said that, it’s lovely to be able to look at pictures of all the places we went to, and to return there in my mind. Photography sure is a worthwhile hobby when it comes to preserving memories.
My head is experiencing weird glitches today. Normally during a workday I pretty much think in English, but today strange thoughts keep popping into my head in Finnish. Go figure.
Miikka says
Back at work today. And big suprise. I wasnt feeling sick at all. My usual story i quess…
THX for holidays.
Marianne says
Hey vomit comet! 😀 Glad to hear you’re feeling better. 🙂 Laitoin sun objektiivin eilen postiin, toivottavasti tulee ehjana perille.