There’s something lovely and fresh about the world after the rain. Everything seems cleaner and clearer for a little while.
It was a tough week. After an accidental collision with S on Tuesday night I had the worst headache of my life throughout the week. On Friday I finally went to see the doctor who told me I’d been suffering from a concussion. How weird is that. In a way it was a relief as I was starting to get worried that my eye had been perhaps damaged somehow. Luckily that wasn’t the case.
Today is Sooz’s birthday and we’re expecting her round any minute. I’ve put pink decorations up and got some flowers and Barbie soap bubbles and pink butterfly plates. As you do.
Eksyin tänne jokin aika sitten…öö… en muista mistä 🙂 Mutkan kautta.
Kivoja kuvia. Ja tavallista elämää. Palaan tänne vielä 🙂
Kiva kun eksyit. 😀
Mihin päin olette muuttamassa?
Muutetaan itse asiassa ihan tohon New Forestin kupeeseen, Dorsetin rannikolle. Tuo New Forest on kyllä upea paikka.